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How to send and play voice notes?

To send a voice note:

There are two modes of sending voice notes.
1) Chat screen mode
Open a chat > Tap and hold the microphone > Start speaking. Remove your finger from the microphone when finished. The voice note will be sent automatically.
If you want to cancel a voice note, slide left during recording.

To record a longer voice note:
Open a chat > Tap and hold the microphone > Slide up to lock the microphone on > start speaking > Tap send button when finished or tap cancel to cancel it.

2) Walkie Talkie mode
Open a chat > Tap microphone icon > Tap and hold the large microphone icon > Start speaking. Remove your finger from the microphone when finished. The voice note will be sent automatically. If you want to cancel the recording, move your finger outside the circle during recording then release.

To record a longer voice note:
Open a chat > Tap microphone icon > Tap the large microphone icon > Start speaking > Tap the large microphone icon again when finished or tap Cancel to cancel it.

To play a voice note:
Tap play button to listen to voice notes sent or received.

For voice notes received:
Unplayed voice notes will be in gray color
Played voice notes will change color (blue color in one-to-one chat or colors same as senders’ name in group chats)