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How to star and unstar a message?

When you have important information from different chats and you want to access them in a quicker way, you can star a message. The starred messages will be added to a separate “Starred Messages” section.

To star a message
Go to the chat > tap and hold a message > tap “Star”

To unstar a message
Go to the chat > tap and hold a starred message > tap “Unstar”
Note: Unstar a message will not delete that message

To view all starred messages
You can view all starred messages in OpusChat or starred messages in particular individual or group chats.
Go to chats list page > tap icon on top left corner
Tap more button on top right corner > tap “Starred messages”

To view starred messages in particular individual or group chats
Go to particular chat > tap “v” button on the top right corner on title bar > tap “Starred